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The application for 2016 has now closed and we are now in the review process. You will be notified in early June regarding your application status. All applicants will be notified via email of our decision, if  you have not heard from ABI by June 8, 2016 you can email ABI.

About GHC Scholarships

GHC Scholarships enable students and faculty, who would not otherwise have the opportunity, to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC). At GHC, you can connect with other women in computing and innovative organizations hear stories from peers and experts in computing and get quality career advice specific to your needs.

If selected for the scholarship, Scholars must be available to attend October18-22, 2016 in Houston TX. Special events for our scholars begin the evening of October 18, with the general conference starting the morning of October 19. The conference ends the evening of October 21, so plan to fly home October 22 or later. For student scholars, double occupancy hotel accommodations will be provided for 4 nights, arrival Tuesday, October 18 with a departure Saturday, October 22. If you already have a profile, log in and click Application at the top of the page to begin your submission. To start a new application, create a profile.

Still have a question about applying? Email your scholarship question to ABI.

About GHC

GHC 2016 is the largest gathering of women in computing in the world, and we expect 15,000 attendees this year. The conference, held in Houston, TX, takes place October 19-21, 2016. GHC features leading technical speakers, career development sessions, awards, a poster session, a hackathon and the industry's largest career fair for women in computing. Read about the impact of GHC here.

About ABI

The Anita Borg Institute (ABI) envisions a future where the people who imagine and build technology mirror the people and societies they build it for. We connect, inspire and guide women in computing and organizations that view technology innovation as a strategic imperative. ABI is a social enterprise that recognizes women making positive contributions and advises organizations on how to improve performance by building more inclusive teams. We believe technology innovation powers the global economy and that women are crucial to building technology the world needs.